Tuesday, July 14, 2009

2nd year and dental school has lost its appeal for me. OK, I'm exaggerating but getting up and going to school daily feels like facing a den of lions. The only thing exciting on the horizon is the year 1 orientation, and even that is tinged with stress for all the committees. It's hard to tell if the juniors will be able to catch the atmosphere of pride and ambition the seniors are trying to uphold. And teaching dance is so not easy.

The whole continuation of the heritage thing is the favourite topic on everyone's lips. Who should get priority, whose toes shouldn't be stepped on, which person is most easy to click with; all to be decided in such a short time.

Of course, the best part is not just making new friends, but rediscovering old ones.

And camp is this Friday, which is crazy fast! I don't want to stay with strangers, though.

I feel so ashamed of my poor attitude towards life. I find myself behaving exactly like the people who blame the world for all things that go wrong. And I sulk and pout (secretly) waiting for things to right themselves. Perspective is a tough lens to put on.

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