Sunday, September 18, 2011

Change Is Coming

Was talking with Dad in the car the other day. (Which reminds me that I've not spent any quality time with him this holiday and I'm going back in a day. The Great Depression.)

We were discussing friendships. I said that as great and important as it is to keep making friends, there is only so much time one can spend with people and it's best to invest in a few close friends. Dad, however kept insisting that the friends I now have will drift away once everyone's attached/married and I should be prepared to make new friends. So they weren't actually direct arguments against each other, but I was pretty prickly on the subject.

I hate the thought of things changing, even as I secretly long for change. I guess to put it accurately, I want specific things to change and other specific things to always stay the same. But that's not how life works.

As I write this, I am terrified of going back to school to face the 2nd last semester of clinics and the fear of not finishing. Fortunately, I am mentally prepared to go back despite only having spent a few days in KL this time. It irritates me that I'm going back early. Thank God for family on both sides of the straits.

I am also grateful and feel very blessed that my girl friends here who've been with me for more than 10 years are still the same people from the beginning. Glad we got to catch up and reunite again. It always feels wonderful to be around people who're just like family.

Phyllie Billie

Stefanopolis, Golomoloku and Shangkaroo

Everyone together again, except Nat :(

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