Sunday, February 27, 2011

Forgive me for sounding harsh, but sometimes I wonder how people reconcile wanting to be in a relationship with someone of the opposite sex with being Godly. Granted, God probably destines all of us to be married and experience love in marriage but relationships are probably one of the most selfish needs of humans. Liking someone and wanting to have a boyfriend or girlfriend to me is mostly trying to find the wonderful feeling of being in love, the rush of having someone like you, the comfort of having someone there for you and the heady feelings that come with dating. And I find that it is all about oneself, because how often do you get together with someone because you want to take care of them forever, come what may, ugly, fat or ill?

Just musing. I'm 100% guilty of it myself. I guess we're all just made with this need to be loved, like a hole in our hearts to be filled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, I guess that's how everyone is feeling anyway. It's just too distant to think about the responsibilities with being in a marriage.

But I guess, that will come naturally. Cos love makes us feel responsible. And that's how love and marriage has been in existence over generations before our time.