Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Pink Day

Oh my goodness, the urge to blog came over me while I was walking from the bus stop back to Thomson Grove. It was so sudden and foreign after such a long period of writer's block that I was truly repressing the urge to run the last few hundred meters home, just to whip out my laptop.


Yesterday was the day the Foongs and Phaus had been waiting for for months. The day we all would dress up in the same shirts and walk around Singapore taking unglam shots. That never actually happened, because we just spent the day at Mt Faber Safra, but we DID wear pink polo Ts throughout the day. With 13 people in pink, we were kind of hard to miss. It was a day essentially dedicated to taking photos of ourselves, thought up by me (right, Athalie?) and finetuned by Athalie Phau. Designed specifically for a family of posers and narcissicists.

The funniest moment of the day had to be during bowling. Besides the usual competition to up one another (nothing big, Dad kept emerging champion with the ultimate GRAND total of 112 in round 2), we made fools of ourselves trying to carry Jared. The first time, I was supporting his hips and we ended up sliding lower and lower against the wall, collapsing to the floor with Jared's butt in my lap. After a few more tries and adjustment of position according to individual arm strength (in decreasing order: Adelia, Athalie/Agnetha, me), we got a successful shot.

When I took up Weidi's offer to help choreograph and dance for Quadfac, I only thought it would be a rare chance to dance after starting Dentistry. Besides, everyone knows I can't resist a chance on the stage. =P Throughout the weeks, it never occured to me about winning or about what was at stake. I never once thought about how we'd match up against the others, and I didn't feel the pressure or competition. Only in the last week did it truly sink in that we had mostly first time dancers and that our competitors would probably be older and experienced. Which is why it came as utter satisfaction and a dream come true that we won!

Ah, glorious night.

I never carry my backdoor card with me, and so I just deal with walking the entire periphery of the estate to get in through the front entrance. This afternoon, for the first time, I saw a guy jump over the back wall! I am totally inspired to try it someday!

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

congrats on winning!!! your family is so fun!