Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sometimes it takes something like a fire drill to get to know the people who live on your floor.
I came back to PGP, drawn like a moth to the horribly annoying siren. I was pretty dismayed that it was coming from the foyer area, near my block. When I realized it was a fire drill, I trudged grumpily to the basketball court.

And there I bumped into some floor mates, including my cluster leader. She's from Korea and super sweet (and I cannot believe what I thought of her once). Also met this girl who has a non-identical twin from NJ, so I'm totally gonna ask someone from S11 if they know her.

We were stuck with each other for awhile because the lifts were inactivated. I found out that they came down by staircase (which only opens for you to go down). At first I couldn't believe I missed it! I've been wondering forever how do people go up those stairs. But I realize they're probably not the cool stairs outside the building, just lame boring internal ones.

I love it when the clouds have a silver lining.

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