Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Hall Life

I have been crazy tired these past few days.

After the anat test, it seemed like graduation or something. We had supper night after night, thanks to Denzil's tremendous generosity in driving us everywhere. We also spent cash after cash, having huge meals. During supper at Chomp Chomp last night, we pooled our cash and shared food. And that very night, it was born: the Supper Club Fund. We've been window shopping for a piggy bank (there're cute ones with food pictures at NUH) and Sabrina's prepared a pouch for the money. From now onwards, we will contribute money (say, ten bucks) every week but only use a few dollars for a meagre supper. Then once a month, we use the remainder to pig out on a feast. The perfect plan.

Wednesday night at Obar/Dbl 0 was madness. Half the class was there (which is an amazing, heartwarming thing) and we all know that the more the merrier. The antics that the drunk people got up to will haunt them forever. We've not been talking about anything else since. The night ended with the two vomiting machines, throwing up in sync, at a decibel level that could be heard like a mile radius. I had lots of fun.

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