Monday, January 19, 2009

I am a fan of small joys in life. Like realizing tomorrow begins at 9am instead of 8am. And that from 10.30 am to 2pm I don't know what to do as the timetable has blocked out a session called LIBRARY. It either makes me thoroughly lifeless or someone with lots of excitement to look forward to.

Change is good. Once you've overcome the apprehension of things going wrong, everything falls into place and suddenly you can't imagine if you'd stayed at the same place you were before. And God's grace always pulls me through, as long as I keep reminding myself that tomorrow will worry about itself as long as I put my trust in Him. Which is why I did not have to buy another 1 4 for lab today. I did get another scolding from Prof Neo. Ugh. 2 weeks for her to forget it was me, yet again.

CNY is coming. Still ain't got my red undies.

1 comment:

Jared said...

i need to be a bigger fan of small things in life!

God's grace always, always pulls me through. but i keep forgetting.