Monday, January 5, 2009

Oh, For A Time Turner

There will never be enough time in the world to maintain all the relationships you want. It's a fact of life.

The other day, I realized that so many things in my house remind me of people from my past. Teachers, friends, relatives, all mostly people I haven't spoken to in years. For example, my house is brimming with the touch of Ms Lau, my former art teacher. She's not only taught me, but both my sisters, some of my friends and even my cousins, occasionally. Everywhere I turn, there's some artwork hanging on the wall that I created in her class. Can't remember the last time I saw her, though.

I wish I could just make time every year, just one day per person, to meet up with the people who meant something to me. Yet relationships are funny things. Getting closer to someone usually means getting even closer. The more you spend time with them, the more time you need to spend and it becomes a heavy investment. It's only natural that you have to build on to maintain a relationship.

Maybe it's time to accept that some people need to stay in the past. Or maybe both parties just have to acknowledge that there's a cap to their friendship. That there's only so much time we have, and that time is reserved for people you prioritize as more important.

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