Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The time is drawing near. The age of officialness.

Don't feel any different, though. Except that I feel a little grossed out suddenly when older guys talk about how hot girls younger than me are. To hear them ogle teen-aged girls seems to border on paedophilia now. Ick.

Quite excited for Friday, but I don't think I'm all prepared yet. I sure hope things turn out alright.

I'm bothered by how I'll never get to use my beautiful purple room in Desapark City. It doesn't seem terribly likely that I'll be moving back to Malaysia anytime soon. And even if (a big if) I end up working and living here, that precious room would've rot by then. It depresses me that it's going to waste.

I am seriously considering moving there, or at least live there on weekends. I just have to adjust with not having my complete wardrobe of clothes. I can feel my OCD cropping up at the prospect of losing track of clothes; clothes left forgotten in the process of shifting.


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