Saturday, December 20, 2008

What A Night

Just after midnight on Thursday night/Friday morning, I was watching Sydney White when Adelia rushed down to me exclaiming, 'Touch, is my head hot? My nose just bled!'

In the wee hours of the morning last night, I was trying to sleep on my right when I felt a pop and a rush of fluid in my nose. Miraculously, I managed to prevent it staining my pillow with my hand. It's either because I'm not drinking enough water, or the aircon switches off at 3 a.m. every night making us suffer in heat and struggle to find the fan remote control (EVERY SINGLE NIGHT) or there's a nose bleeding bug going around. Obviously not.

And I just had the weirdest dream about my gang. Shang & Phyl, I remember you there because earlier Shang was trying to teach me a dance. We were leaving some camp by monorail but Stef's train carriage got separated from us. The train was cocoon or peanut shaped, by the way. We watched as she dangled precariously from the carriage in front of us, and kept gesturing to her to sit further inside. The whole ride was like a slow roller coaster and suddenly, when we reached one destination, Stef had vanished.

Just before that I had heard her say, 'Oh no, my hair isn't right.' And in her carriage we found a sheet of paper with a drawing of herself (and a drawing of me) that she'd haphazardly erased to correct. So it goes, you need to draw yourself to reemerge when the train stops but she didn't finish in time.

As the train headed on, I found myself trying to finish her drawing. The gang looked over my shoulder as I did my best to give her nice hair (looked like Akazukin Cha Cha) and nice lips. Plus write down a nice speech bubble (according to Phyllis: with good English so Stef would speak well when she appeared). Phyl even told me to erase all the Malay words Stef had wrote. Hmm. I remember writing, "Hello! I speak good English. I am good at art and animation', and drawing a speech bubble just in time for the train to stop.

Long story short, we screeched to a stop. I went, 'Where's Stef! Where's Stef!' and she was there, behind us, looking quite worn out. Phew.

It was a way longer dream branching into other weird stuff but it's getting boring.

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