Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Virtual Reality

Cherry on Flickr by Sara_Morrison

I like all these online portals.

Once upon a time, I found them too cliche to join but now things like MSN, Blogger, FB, Twitter are staples in my life. I like them now because they remind me that there is so much more to a person than what you glean from your few conversations with them. It's a pleasant surprise to find out how creative, smart, outgoing or talented the people around you are. It keeps me from being critical or condescending.

It's really hard to get out to the world all that's going on in your mind, really tough to string together all your thoughts and present them in the short amount of time you get to interact with other people. I like knowing that someone could get to know me for me so much better by just reading, say this website, without me having to try so hard.

And I really want someone to properly like me for me, baggage and deep thoughts in tow. Tired of reality not matching up to first impressions.

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