Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Hills Are Alive

I'm rewatching the Sound of Music. After I downloaded it, I felt pretty reluctant to actually sit down and see it through because it's soooo old and I've seen it a million times before. Once the music started playing, I was hooked again. I remember every scene and almost every song.

The only thing that was new to me in the last few viewings was the fact that this is a love story. Behind the childhood tunes, the antics of the von Trapp children and the comedy of the sticky situations is the Captain and Maria falling in love.

Always lovely how the best shows get better with each time you watch it. This show's where I learned the name Liesl too. :)

Halfway through I remembered the other emotional part of the show for me, how Captain Georg (just Google-ed because I forgot it was pronounced Gay-org) and his family were so patriotic but had to leave their precious Austria. It's probably the only show that stirred up any emotions in me due to a sense of nationalism.

It makes me wonder if I'll ever feel that way if I had to defend Malaysia. I can imagine quite easily getting swept up in feelings of nationalist pride, blinded by a sense of ownership to the country you were born in, the only country you can call your own. The same way you would defend the only family you own and all other things you associate your identity with. Is it sensible though, to give up one's life for a piece of land?

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