Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Been forever since I wrote words down.

Kay. What's been up? This week, I thought it was week 6 and even tried to convince Daniel that it was. Was so elated at hols coming around the corner. But nope, not soon enough.

Nothing much has been up lately. Nothing in the way of romance, excitement, ambition, failure or anything significant. But every week is a huge blur, I can't believe I'm letting life just pass me by like that. Is there supposed to be something more meaningful happening right now? Mostly, I just want to go to sleep.

Feel like I'm biding my time. Forgive the angst, but I get it. Hate being reminded of it (maybe I need to be), but sometimes I just don't want to deal with it. I'd rather just wait and hope it goes away. Let the tide rise and fall on its own. And soon, soon, I shall not be looking out to sea at all.

If Christ is with me, whom shall I fear?

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