Monday, October 18, 2010

The blue Sailor's Song on Flickr by MINT ICETEA

Was kept up tossing and turning from 5am to 7am, until I finally took some Panadol. In between I had several dreams, one of which was that I had a bunch of really tiny tiny hamsters. But the moment I put them down, they vanished. I kept looking and looking around the floor but they were simply gone.

I think my dreams fall into a few categories:
1) Completely ludicrous
2) Completely real

The completely real dreams can be further divided into:
a) Neutral dreams - Where I wake up confused if they happened or not.
These kind of dreams go along the line of Elmer, my primary schoolmate telling me we have homework to do. Then I wake up and go look for the homework but it was just a dream.

b) Happy dreams - Things I want to happen, or old wonderful memories relived.
Dreaming of being with the person you love, with family, doing fun things. You wake up feeling great, or really sad that your subconscious still wants some things so badly but they can never happen again.

c) Awful dreams - The manifestation of your fears, your horrific imaginations or the things you witnessed that you suppressed at the time.
Everything I imagined in my head that gave me so much pain comes alive in the dream and I wake up horrified that my mind is so astute. Quite amazing how the fragmented fears and thoughts I have in the day can become such well developed events, complete with beginning and end, when I'm asleep at night.

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