Thursday, October 21, 2010

More Cabby Convers

The number of cabby convers I have either indicate how many cab rides I take or how many chatty cabdrivers I get. Maybe it's the same for everybody.

In today's episode, the old man started by asking if I was a teacher because I kept saying, 'Correct' to everything (in Mandarin). It's kinda hard to know what's the usual young person's slang when you don't speak the language. Wonder what kind of class/race/profession I sound like when I try.

Then we somehow went onto Malaysia, and the language plunged into Cantonese. Can't really decide which is worse for me. But I ended up speaking the worst Canton-English ever for the next 15 minutes. I don't suppose he realized that most of my verbs, nouns, pronouns and adjectives were in English, with some Cantonese conjunctions.

In summary, the cabby concluded that as a dentist, it's going to be very difficult for me to find a boyfriend. Which I agreed to. And his advice was that if any doctor comes along, showing an interest in me, I should quickly grab it. Which I agreed to (in a non committal manner).

Even a stranger knows my future is sad and gray.

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