Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I like it when my mind's empty and peaceful. Which is very very hard for me to attain. Maybe like an hour a day max. That's the best part of the day, before the depression of the night sets in, followed by the high of midnight. It's also way better than the lurching awakening to real life in the morning and the horrible emptiness of the afternoons. That's when I try to sleep everything off, like literally refuse to wake up even though I'm not in the least bit sleepy.

2 more days to the return of some resemblance of sanity.

I intended to make hot Lipton milk tea but accidentally made hot lemon tea instead. Oops.


Golo said...

lol ale.. how on earth did u accidentally put lemon juice instead of milk in ur tea?? :S

aFLY said...

Oh. I grabbed the Ice lemon tea packet instead of Lipton milk tea. And didn't realize till I'd poured hot water that it was lemon. Heh.