Friday, January 1, 2010

Even at 11am, 1U is pretty crowded and by 1.30pm cars are once again stalking you when you walk. I empathize as I've been there. And this is on New Year's Day, which kinda tells you these aren't the people who partied last night. Probably got beat out by the crowd to go any place last night so they set their alarms and vowed to be the first at the mall this morning.

New Year always coincides with a new year in MY life. Literally. Thought up some resolutions to be a proper grown up, fingers crossed:

1) Be independent and self sufficient (Do everything for myself which I would usually rely on someone else for)
i.e. I don't need no man

2) More organized and less stressed out in school
i.e. Remember that it's the process and not the outcome

3) Really really start on my spiritual growth
i.e. Devotions, church search

4) Not to let anymore external factors get me down
i.e. Look at the bigger picture, no more pessimism

5) Get rid of my bad habits once and for all
Ugh, I just broke this one :(

(This list will be extended as I think of more)

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