Saturday, January 23, 2010


Surfers and a Rainbow on © Flickr Calico182

Today, I uncharacteristically observed a sleeping man's Ezlink card fall to the floor, picked it up, tapped the man awake and returned it, all in the few seconds before alighting from the train.

Then, I made real conversation with some people in my new cell group, where I actually could click.

I feel like a superhero.

Don't sneer, these aren't everyday phenomena for me.

Is it just a me complex? To feel completely shocked when someone's suddenly nice to me. And then to feel wary, and quite afraid to wear out that welcome.

I think some friendships are meant to be distant. People always put so much more effort into something when it's not a sure thing, when they haven't started taking each other for granted. The sad truth about relationships, indeed.

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