Wednesday, January 27, 2010

No Horning (Hmmm)

Everyone thinks passing a theory driving test is easy. Sure, it's not like an undergrad course. It's all common sense. Especially when you've been driving for the past, 4 years?

But not when you're Malaysian. Or from any other country than Singapore, for that matter. What the heck are all these road signs? In Malaysia, driving is like instinct, rules are for babies, and even if you don't break the law, you've to be vigilant of others who will break the law around you. So you need to drive defensively, lawlessly, to anticipate and circumvent the lawbreakers around you. What do you mean, there's a rulebook?

And so, I am getting quite confused by all the different road markings and symbols.

Maybe I exaggerate. Anywho, I'm sure you'll catch me driving on a road beside you in no time.

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