Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Battle for the Kingdom by Lissy Elle on Flickr

You know this paradox? When you're performing, you wish it'll all just end and you vow not to join the next concert. And when you're not performing but watching a concert, suddenly you wish so much you had joined. I feel so much like dancing now, to put effort into improving and being the hot stuff those idols of mine are. But I'm cursed with the lazy bone. (If only I had the funny bone too, like they sold it in pairs.)

I don't put in the effort to improve myself and so I'm stuck forever with my limited abilities. On the other hand, maybe I'm not enough of a natural that I'll never have the time to work on it to that level. But a part of me aches to really truly bask in the limelight, and not in a small pond but a real big ocean! By that, I mean to truly be talented among the likes of other great talents and not just shine among non dancers.

The big dream. Same dream every time.

What maketh a relationship? Effort or compatibility? Still on the fence over that one. Knowing the answer to that will end the age old conflict of whether the relationship is over or worth fighting for. If only destiny could send a sign when you meet The One.

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