Saturday, February 27, 2010

Shadow, Hayley & Macy © Ale

As most of you know, I've 3 dogs: Shadow, Macy and Hayley. Each of them are unique, with their eccentricities and neurotic behaviours. Would really make those apathetic non pet lovers stop a minute, to realize that animals have personalities, just like humans.

Shadow's super clingy and needy. He's the beta to our alpha dog. He rolls over onto his back when you stand before him, he gazes up at you lovingly with his soulful eyes and he wriggles to get near to you. He's mean to some strangers and picks his friends very carefully. At his age, he's like Speedy Gonzales with long ears and black fur. And he's uber jealous of Hayley.

Macy's self sufficient and can be quite self absorbed. In general, she doesn't need your affection unless it comes with treats and walks. Most of the time she's sleeping pressed up against the wall or lying in sleeping Buddha position, looking bored. But occasionally, her true feelings show when she misses you or Shadow if either have been gone a long time. Her poor metabolism has turned her into a scruffy oversized mouse-y looking dog. Which is cute.

Hayley's the most blur and innocent dog. She's always pleased to see you and has no manners. Sniffing and slobbering, fake biting your hand. She flops onto water and splashes the waterbowl dry. She has a short attention span and memory deficit, climbing up the short 3 steps again and again even after each phobic session of being unable to climb back down. For a young thing, she has zero stamina and whines to go home after a relatively long walk.

Do they sound like anybody you know?

Unfortunately, Hayley's sick. And we hope that when she recovers, her Dory-like memory will prevent any lingering mental trauma. Unlike Macy, who until now refuses to get into the car to go to the vet. Poor lonely girl, all by herself at the vet's. Me wants to go home to see her!

Like it or not, everyone's a taker. Most times, our taking is inconsequential because what we take is what is offered: attention, support, encouragement, gifts, love, friendship, help. Even when we're giving, we're taking too, to maintain relationships and to keep connections that are to our advantage someday. Most of the things we take are too little to warrant noticing. It's only when the big things disappear that it really matters, like someone taking your pride. Or worse, your heart.

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