I've never really given much thought to the meaning of clothes. Sure, everybody wants to look good, and looking good can mean anything to anybody: revealing less, revealing more, colour, monotone. But until we did our little social experiment this weekend, it never really hit me that I placed so much weight on fashion as part of my identity.
So my idea from Cougar Town finally materialized, that we would dress up as each other (drawing random lots) and see who would be the most successful, i.e. with the most number of people being able to guess who she was dressing as.
And the honest truth was that I felt really uncomfortable in my outfit. I wore a typical Shang get-up of jeans and a long sleeved traditional printed top. This was after I tried on another combination that I would have rather shot myself in the head than gone out in. Initially, I just felt quite unattractive and unstylish just because the style was so not me (probably too conservative, haha). It was definitely not just me because my friends were also comforting me, so to speak. At the end of the day, I finally managed to forget my outfit and stopped being self-conscious about the image I was portraying to people around me.
Still was glad to go home, though. Funnily enough, I've probably felt perfectly comfortable wearing this in my early teens. How times have changed.
Burst out laughing halfway, trying to do a classic Shang pose.
It was an interesting situation and apparently common, since everyone expressed some sort of discomfort or restriction in choosing and wearing their outfits. It makes me question how vain I really am, that who I am depends on what I wear. Okay, I've always been vain but it's a little disturbing to know that I'm
that vain.
There we go, I make the best Shangky fo sho.
Of course, nobody could have guessed that we weren't really the people we looked like, or more precisely, the personalities our clothes suggested. The only people feeling weird in their skins were us. Food for thought, oo
Bet you can't tell right? Yeah, it's an inside joke, folks.
Oh alright, from L to R it's Shang, Ale, Stef, Phyl, Shu and Pui.