Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Cinema Experience

Forgot how much fun movies can be when you're not watching a show after 12 hours in school and struggling to stay awake.

When movie watching is still a special occasion and not a weekly routine, it's actually pretty exciting. I love trailers! I like being wowed by information like: Tron which stars Olivia Wilde is by Disney. This is only an interesting piece of info because I follow E! Online on Twitter and Olivia Wilde said she tried to make herself ugly in this film so that she could be sexy in spite of herself.

I always make the same movie mistake, though. Believing that I am tough enough to stand the cold. Despite the million times I end up freezing in the cinema, I always leave the house with false confidence that this time I won't feel cold. Today I ended up sharing a scarf with Sa-ee, bless her presence.

The funniest part of the whole HP7 movie was when Ron disappeared after wearing the Horcrux and there was the scene where Hermione tied a scarf around a tree. Sa-ee turned to me and asked, 'Huh, so Ron turned into a tree?' At first I was so confounded that for a moment, I was racking my brains for any recollection of the book. Then I asked Athalie what happened to Ron. Then I realized how ridiculous it was and I had a major laughing fit. Every time I thought about it later on during the show, I would laugh to myself again.

HP7's not bad, by the way.

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