Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Food Frenzy

My family has this insane obsession with food. Especially now that it's the holidays, all we do is get up and loiter around until it's lunchtime. Then at about noon we start hovering around the kitchen, even more so when my grandma's visiting KL, and start pestering her about how long the food will take to be done. Then we wolf down several helpings.

Our ears perk up at the sound of dishes clanging, or the fridge door closing. When it's dinner time, we get excited at the sound of someone coming home because most likely they've brought food along.

In between main meals, we scavenge around for snacks: chips, pastries, ice cream, sandwiches, anything that looks good. Doesn't help that the fridge is also always stocked with juices, and some sort of leftover pasta or birthday cake.

So I've concluded, the only way to survive in my family is to have a high metabolic rate.


Anonymous said...

Looks like your exercise regime, and diet discipline is taking a back seat for now....:P

aFLY said...

Yeah, I'm still exercising but there's too much good food to abstain from.

Btw, who's commenting?