Thursday, December 9, 2010

Let It Snow on Flickr by Tony N.

I've been home a few days and I've not yet met up with D'gang. And for the first time, that feels all right!

Sometimes I try to imagine life before leaving Malaysia, when all I wanted to do after school was come home, watch TV, slack the day away. When I never yearned for anything more, never felt any void other than a curiosity for the great world out there. But I can't recapture that feeling.

It is the complete opposite nowadays, a deep restlessness and unsettledness in me, that I usually manifest as fear of a lot of things, mostly related to relationships. Oh what I would give for a deep sense of peace, an unshakable faith!

This Christmas, I really want to look at my life as a whole, to cherish all the good things I've been blessed with, and also be grateful for all the not so good things. For you don't know what you don't know until you learn it the hard way.

Would be awesome if Malaysia could snow for just one day. Say, every 25th of December?

Met up with IMU mates again. It's really nice that although we only knew each other for one semester, we've managed to keep in touch. It may not be the deepest of friendships, but I like it. It brings back fond memories of a time that could have very easily just vanished from my life. My little stint at IMU sometimes doesn't seem to have happened, if it weren't for the fact that these people exist. I am terribly glad that there are people out there who still care about keeping relationships going.

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