Saturday, December 11, 2010

This is getting to be too much. I'm getting the brunt of these occupational hazards.

Sometime ago, I dreamt that my sister Adelia has actually been wearing dentures all her life. That as I was talking to her I suddenly saw her denture tipping, and how she was struggling to keep her upper denture in place. And I got so angry at my mother for not bringing her to see a dentist when she was younger, that she allowed this to happen to my sister. I kept feeling so heartbroken for her embarrassment and difficulty, that I wanted to cry.

Last night, I dreamt that something happened to Mom, that all her upper teeth and alveolar bone got bashed in. And that I was examining the teeth but they were all loose, even the bone was falling off. (Sorry for the gruesome details, but it doesn't disgust me at all.) And I was crying again on the inside because I couldn't save her teeth. I kept thinking that okay, it's just these 3 teeth, then I would touch another one and discover it to be just hanging on by a thread, and it became 4, then 5, then the whole arch. It was awful. I started racking my brains for how she could have implants or overdentures and felt so terrible because I didn't know how she would take it or how to break the news.

What horrible nightmares. Don't think it's the sort anyone else will have, a nightmare over not being able to save someone's teeth.

1 comment:

agiggles said...

I know dreaming of falling teeth is some sort of sign of stress. I don't know what dreaming of OTHER people's teeth falling out means though.
Maybe it's a manifestation of the side idea, except you're a dentist-to-be. Hence, other people's teeth. Yay? Nay?
