Monday, August 4, 2008

I like my room. I went to bed feeling snuggly and homey, like a satisfied housewife. I like when I enter the room and smell the Glade air freshener refill (which I bought wrongly but still works).

When I woke up, I was so anal about the spider I saw and so pissed when the Shieldtox was too difficult to press. Now I'm being further anal about when and how to wash my clothes that I need to rewear, and that I've to dress formal for the upcoming Dean's speech and photo session on Wed at Faculty of Dentistry, and the introduction to the entire dental family on Thursday.

Our float is looking pretty nice. Oscar Francis, the gay puppet we created has purple shoes with pink stripes, a black tux with a red shirt, and a rainbow coloured hat. Worse, his peach coloured face was repainted a cosmetic-y pink, like a sunburnt angmoh. But he's super cute.

Now that I've found several people staying at PGP or KE Hall, Mom doesn't have to go paranoid anymore about me getting attacked walking home late at night.

So I'm happy, but I wish there was somebody I could call and just gab away with. Like a bestie. Like once upon a time.


Jared said...

hey dear cousin!

smile! (:

a bestie is hard to find, but between us both, you're more likely to get one. haha.

your float sounds funky!

aFLY said...

thanks cousin. probably after i start seeing normal people outside my faculty, i'll make other friends.

hopefully u'll see pictures of Rag Day soon =)