Sunday, August 24, 2008


I just love parties that let me act half my age. Yesterday was the most fun I'd had since the last time I had so much fun. Haha. I'm so glad Chriselle is exactly who she is, because we'd never have the insane memories to look back upon if she wasn't.

I'm totally in love with the Jumping Castle! On the bus to her house (coincidentally the same bus Coco and Tasya could take as well), I couldn't really recognize the roads. Tasya got off, while I continued sitting when she suddenly exclaimed, 'I see a Jumping Castle!' I sprang off my seat to get off the bus.

I'll never forget how I pummelled off the castle walls like a frenzied atom. You can really lose yourself in that thing. After awhile it feels like you were born to jump and bounce, like a human Flubber. I'm pretty sure I scratched Pravin's face during one of the many times we collided into each other. And once you fall, it's best to just curl up into the fetal position, or risk being crushed. I have no idea how many grass stains I have on my skirt, from when a bounce caused me to just slide off suddenly (cos' it was raining). Super fun!

From now on, I shall only attend THEMED birthdays.
Yooow! Jamie looks like a rocker.

I love my pinwheel! I wanted the sword too, but of course Chriselle should keep it.

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