Sunday, July 13, 2008

To Forget Again

Very few people in this world are born with a memory that allows them to remember everything. It must be terrible having to remember every single incident, taste, smell, or sound with clarity.

Although it is frustrating to be absent minded, there is something good about forgetting. Only by forgetting can you be reminded. And there is a certain joy in being surprised when you are reminded by long forgotten things.

It's like leafing through a photo album and crying with delight at all the crazy things you got up to. Or hearing a tune and being brought back to the songs and shows you loved as a child. It's like smelling a particular scent from something cooking and remembering an event related to it.

If you never forget, how can you appreciate it when you remember?

1 comment:

Jared said...

that's true.

but it's for the same reason that we don't want to forget. because it's so worth it when we remember.