Sunday, July 13, 2008

Walking the 3 Musketeers

I have 3 dogs, and each of them is completely different in personality. Something pretty evident when I take them for walks.

Walking Macy is like walking a boulder. She moves very slowly, as one might expect when trying to pull a giant rock. And when she finds something to smell, even leaning my entire weight in the opposite direction to pull the leash doesn't work.

Walking Shadow is like walking a vacuum cleaner. He runs with his nose to the ground, sucking in all scent and smell. It's a wonder he can see where he's going.

Walking Hayley is like walking a prancing pony. She runs when you run. She jumps when you jump. And she chases me like a mad dog when I run around like a mad woman. And when she gets scared, she walks between my legs. Sometimes in a Figure 8, which trips me up.Yes, I know I'm not going to be a famous graphics designer one day. Thank you. =P
But you can't beat having dogs like mine!

P/S: Sorry to those who are not familiar with my dogs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this post is extremely creative :)