Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Today, I smacked myself in the mouth with my articulator as I was cleaning it in the sink. (That's probably a glimpse of what can happen with brute force in a patient's mouth too. Note to self.)

It hurt because my tooth cut my own lip on the inside but most importantly, I was so worried that my tooth was avulsed. I kept touching it and hoping it hadn't fallen off because I have intimate history with hitting my front teeth. Not pretty. I think it says that if there's sulcular bleeding then it's been subluxated (i.e. moved but went back to it's original position). So am monitoring it. And that ulcer that developed.

What else in today's breaking news?

Oh I concluded that I look best from about 5 meters away and how good I look is inversely proportional to how close you are to me. Is that right? Or maybe proportional. Further distance, better looking.

Kay. That was a completely unfiltered post. I know I act like an attention craving 5 year old at times, with the most inane unfunny comments that I insist on repeating, wringing the life out of them. But I really only do it when I'm very comfortable with someone. Ironic how I can be more collected, calm, respectable and likeable when there's some distance between me and another person.

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