Sunday, September 12, 2010


I feel SO fat. Eating's my main purpose in life these days, I think about what to get for brekky, what to get for lunch and what to eat for dinner. The fact that food was so expensive in Perth just made me want to eat all the more. At least I found yummy wholegrain chips there! I think my time of eating indiscriminately is coming to an end. The state of flat tummy-ness is soon to be no more. BOO.

Some highlights of the trip:

Cycling on Rottnest Island. That was just super fun! I felt like a kid again, getting onto a bike and just gaping at the scenery around me, the gorgeous barrenness of the trees and rocks and dirt. It was so new and exciting at first that I kept stopping to take pictures. It is most unfortunate nobody warned me that there were supposed to be venomous snakes in the region. Good thing I didn't go traipsing into the bushes. It was only about 4km in that I realized I was dying (my lungs and chest were feeling all strained), especially with the many uphills.

Feel like some office person, cycling to work in the country side.

The to-die-for sea and outback views more than made up for it. The hardest part was when it suddenly started raining. And when I felt all sweaty underneath my coat but so cold outside from the breeze yet so burnt from the sun. My body was all confused as to what the temperature was. And at one point after/during the rain, the wind was so strong I kept wondering why I was pedaling so hard but not moving at all up the hill. I realized that the wind was blowing me backwards and making me swerve to the right, so I gave up and walked. Again.

Kings Park. I am certainly not a green thumb enthusiast like Mom, but even I was bowled over by all the flowers. Kay, I know only about 3 species (rose, daisy, tulip, bougainvillea, orchid - yay, more than 3!) so I kept making up names. I'd think to myself, 'Oh man, the hydrangeas are so pretty!' or 'Those frangipanis are so cute!' when I've no idea what they're called. That's what happens when you read but have no clue what the real thing is.

Fungus among the vines that I made her pose for.

It was just so clean and refreshing and what a real park is supposed to feel like. To walk around and feel all rejuvenated and happy just being around nature. Maybe I gotta rethink the kind of climate person I am.

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