Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Johnny Depp Vampire

Just woke up from the craziest dream.

I was on vacation somewhere with my family, somewhere cold and wintry. And my first recollection of the dream is being held by a dreamy young Johnny Depp-like vampire. I can't remember how we met (the feel I get is that I did something nice for him) and suddenly he was stuck beside me like glue after staring at my face forever. I remember thinking, crap, my forehead has those zits. Lol. It was strange that my whole family did find it weird I suddenly had this dark creature holding on to me, but they seemed quite accepting of it.

At one point, Johnny Depp led me into a waltz which I picked up quickly and he was impressed. Then suddenly, everyone left the scene, just me and him and this old receptionist (who looked like the security guard Kok & I chatted to at FDI). She started showing us all her broken down teeth, some being replaced by gold. Out of nowhere she started saying she could recognize vampires (using strange Malay terms that I somehow understood) but not other supernatural creatures. But I couldn't tell if she had vampire canines since the tips of her canines were all attrited. Haha!

We tried to leave, and suddenly she was at the door (just like a movie). We ran to the other door, about to take off and suddenly she was there as well. And Johnny Depp suddenly turned into this humongous scary bat-like thing that I was supposed to sit on and we plunged downwards like a free fall or bungee. My stomach died, even in my sleep.

Sparing you the travel details, we flew up and down looking for my room at Block C Room 622 (coincidentally my hotel room in Perth) which we kept getting lost locating. Met the same scary girl with a baby we'd met earlier who kept wanting to see what Johnny was suddenly holding (a lump of mud, but we were pretending it was a baby) and pestering us to join her daycare. (WTH, really.)

A la horror movie, we made it up scary steps to my room. All I remember is the final agenda was for us to stay together for 1 month. Once the vampire picks his target companion, they'll be in love, etc for a month after which he forgets her but she never forgets him. Although somewhere along our flight, I thought I saw a girl recognize JD but when I looked at what she was looking at, it wasn't him. So maybe the girl does forget too.

And I remember JD telling me not to waste time on trivial things, for we only had one month together. I was still wondering if this was the right and Godly thing to participate in, haha. But JD was so hot!

Sigh, I wish some dreams were real.

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