Saturday, September 18, 2010

Let Me Stay Like This Forever

Does it make me a big baby (instead of an almost 23 year old adult - ugh damn it) that I want to stay on holiday forever and never go back to school? School really sucks. What's in school sucks more. And memories suck worse while imagining sucks most of all. I have such a great vocabulary. 8-D

Never mind. What to do.

I miss being in Perth. Is it possible to apply for a job that constitutes being good at taking vacations? You guys remember The Best Job In The World? Starting to think my life's destiny is just bumming around.

Played tennis and table tennis yesterday however. If you could call it that. Tennis, I played for about half an hour in the blazing sun till I gave up because the soles of my shoes were peeling off in parts. Eventually I just sat in the shade and kept score, doubling as the slacker ballboy.

And table tennis, I played for the first time ever. It was really difficult at first because I kept missing the ball with my short stump of a bat (when I'm so used to a different racquet length). It's just as hard switching from tennis to badminton sometimes. But I eventually got the hang of it and I realize it's so much more satisfying than tennis. So much less running around just to miss the ball and so much less effort picking up balls. The up/down side is there's very little exertion and sweat.

I really want to spend the rest of my time wisely. Before I go back there.

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