Friday, March 28, 2008


Ever thrown your socks in the dustbin instead of the laundry bin?

Or, like I did most recently, threw the empty icecream box into the sink and the expensive Haagen Daaz scoop into the trash?

My most recurring habit is really annoying. (Seriously, it's happened too freakishly many times that it's not funny anymore.)

I like Ribena. I'm a member of the not-so-sweet Ribena fan club. (Some people drink it in equal proportions with water. Ahem.) (100% recycled! And you can fling it against the wall without inflicting damage! I think.)

I kinda like soda too - Sprite, 7-Up.

Together, they incinerate my throat, esophagus and probably my GI Tract as well.

It's been like a zillion times that I've poured a little Ribena syrup, grabbed a bottle from the fridge and topped it up to realize it's NOT water but some sickly sweet carbonated drink. Then I force myself to drink up the disgustingly saccharine concoction. Poor me, doomed for diabetes.

As a side note, this is our gang's favourite food. Tomyam.

The MSG content will probably kill us soon. But at least we'll die satiated.

As I've just gone out and had Tomyam at S.E.A Seafood (not the Island), the ajinomoto has taken root in my body. I'm trying to flush it out with my cocktail of Ribena & Mountain Dew whatever.

By the way, could you tell I was trying to provide more images? This is in response to complaints I have received recently about a lack of visual stimuli haha.

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