Friday, March 21, 2008

Bonding Rituals of Man

I'm in Singapore right now, having skipped Integrated Metabolism lecture today, visiting my grandma and extended family. We've just had a BBQ by the pool, one of our annual activities we look forward to.

As I looked at the swimming pool, it struck me. What is it about male bonding? 2 old men were floating in the pool, half, no 90% naked, getting all prune-y and wrinkly, and looking like they were having the most serious conversation of their life. Ok, one wasn't too old since he still had the bod but the other, er, yeah.

I'd think that works for couples, I mean, all that nudity's gotta do something for the chemistry. But ew, it's just like a bunch of men discussing business in jacuzzis with only the bubbles concealing their bits.

Now, BBQs? Those rock my socks man. You let the guys (and Aggie - she made me acknowledge her work) do all the macho grilling, while you just offer to run up and down and get stuff like chips, drinks, the radio. You sit there and get all your fingers gross peeling at drumsticks, lamb chop, beef steaks, crab (that was a new one for us!), etc. The best part is the bonding, where you (or me) run off your mouth like a motor going on and on and on about everything under the sky.

As a digression, I think Ade & me are really similar. We talk like speedboats and when I went to Chinese, her friends hear me talking downstairs and when they saw me they were like, 'Ah! I knew it was Ade's sister! They have the same vibe!'. I think that's kinda cool.

Yeah, so it's times like these that makes you feel so totally loved. Just like hanging with your besties, the shared memories and reminiscing about the past with my cousins makes me feel like, yeah, this is where I belong.

I also found out that my high school raises hooligans. I don't think even we were such awful pranksters the way Ade tells it now. Horrifying bullies, sticking up someone's Friendster pics on bathroom mirrors! Aiyoyo, OMG, please don't let me ever offend someone that badly to deserve that. I seriously believe bullying should never go beyond limits of humanity. I could never hurt an innocent person intentionally like that.

Oh yes, bonding. Moral of the story: Hang out with people who know you best, love you and make you feel good. Preferably over food (or drinks for some others). Everyone else doesn't really matter.

As I read, we spend 90% worrying about the opinions of people we don't know or even care about. Kinda lame.

And the old man thing in the beginning doesn't really have a link, I just found it weird.

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