Monday, March 24, 2008

Comfort Zone

I think the worst place to be stuck in is your comfort zone. Although it's a good thing to stick by your principles and do what you believe in, you've got to be careful that you haven't stopped challenging yourself or gotten totally stoic. There's a fine line between staying firm by your choices and getting stuck in a mindbox where you cannot see beyond the glasses you put on.

Like I said, some choices can be fixed. I decided early on I don't want to smoke or do drugs. I'd also decided early on that I wouldn't drink and certain other things that I thought was out of my league at the time. It took me only a few short years to realize that most rules you make are paper-thin in strength. Just a tiny rip in the sheet and it takes barely any effort to go all the way.

Til today, I'm not sure what's right or wrong. By nature, I'm pretty cautious. I'm law abiding, God fearing and parent pleasing. Once in awhile, however, long periods of abstinence from anything 'wild' gives me a self righteous attitude. You know the argument,"C'mon, everyone does it all the time. Can't I try it just this once?"

So far, I've made it to today safe and sound. I know I'm missing out on a lot of things, but in the long run, they're not necessarily activities that will make me proud, or will define my life. Some things just may not be as important. I'd rather work on being a better person, a more caring individual. You know, the real tough stuff, that not everyone can actually pull off.

I'm really glad for my friends, though. Otherwise I'd really be a frog under a shell. Or whatever that phrase is.

It's only with people pushing you that you end up doing the kind of stuff that's forever etched in your memories. Like how looking at this picture brings back all the smiles. I wonder whatever became of the photo the stranger in the restaurant snapped of us. I bet he only caught the landing.


Jonathan said...

great posts here! keep going strong in your beliefs!

aFLY said...

Thanks, means a lot to me =)