I forgot my housekeys today. To all those whom I stressed about my classes ending SO late, I exaggerated. It turns out most days I end before lunch. They make me drive 40 minutes and pay rm10+ on tolls and rm3.50 on parking, wear my fancy clothes (which is by the way, mad headache to figure out what to wear when it used to be just ANYTHING and jeans) just to sit in a lecture theatre and try not to sleep for 2 hours. Then again, what alternative am I asking for? I don't want homework. Pft.
So, I reached home at 1.10pm and found myself locked out. Lightning flashed, thunder roared and I dozed off in my car, airconless, listening to music. Lucky Ade came home 20mins later.
I dream very vividly in the afternoons. The quality of my sleep when I nap should completely turn me off sleeping for good, but like the optimist I am, it's the first thing I do everytime I come home.
I used to boast about having the wildest dreams. Once, I was so determined to interpret my dreams that when I woke up, I'd jot down whatever happened as fast as I could, while it was freshest in my mind. One dream I had got me scribbling blind on 2 sheets of paper just to get up the next morning again and find it gone.
You'd be surprised that dreams are really like events that happened to me. I know some people totally forget what they were dreaming about. But for me, I just have to think a little bit, like do a chronological scan through my memories, and a trigger will hit me. The dream then unfolds like it happened for real.
Nowadays, I dream about things I worry about. Certain people have become starring casts in my head and I get totally confused when I get up. Just recently, I dreamt something really disturbing, and I woke up to find myself in a disgusting state, and then woke up again. So the first time I woke up wasn't even real. Once, I've woken up like you see in movies - just sat right up in bed with my heart pounding. I've cried in my sleep too, when I dreamt Mom was angry at me.
Examples of wildest dreams (in no particular order):
1) Pirate ship
2) Snake-infested flooded house/jungle
3) House arrest - attempt to escape from scary grandma (Horror movie-like, completely in blue/gray tone)
4) Never ending run on a field from a flying witch
5) Arcade adventure with a shark infested swimming pool
6) Driving cars (when I couldn't yet drive) on rollercoaster-ish skyhigh highways
It didn't take long to realize most dreams were missions or challenges I had to complete. So I turned to a professional for help. See if any of these generic meanings help you. I've had them at least once at some point.
Chase Dreams
Often in these dream scenarios, you are being pursued by some attacker, who wants to hurt or possibly kill you. You are running away, hiding, or trying to outwit your pursuer. Chase dreams may represent your way of coping with fears, stress or various situations in your waking life. Instead of confronting the situation, you are running away and avoiding it.
Failing Tests Dreams
Such dreams indicate that you are being put to the test or scrutinized and highlight your feelings of being anxious and agitated. These dreams usually have to do with your self-esteem and confidence or your lack of. You feel nervous, insecure and tend to believe the worst about yourself. Most of the time, though, people who have such dreams are unlikely to fail a test in real life. This dream goes back to their fear and own anxiety that they may not meet other's standards of them. They are afraid to let others down.
Falling Dreams
Falling dreams typically occur during the first stage of sleep. Dreams in this stage are often accompanied by muscle spasms of the arms, legs, and the whole body. It is thought that this jerking action is part of an arousal mechanism that allows the sleeper to awaken and become quickly alert and responsive to possible threats in the environment.
(Or if you're into deeper meanings:)
As with most common dream themes, falling is an indication of insecurities, instabilities, and anxieties. You are feeling overwhelmed and out of control in some situation in your waking life.
Naked Dreams
Becoming mortified at the realization that you are walking around naked in public, is often a reflection of your vulnerability or shamefulness. You may be hiding something and are afraid that others can nevertheless see right through you. Nudity also symbolizes being caught off guard, or unprepared. Many times, when you realize that you are naked in your dream, no one else seems to notice. This implies that your fears are unfounded.
Teeth Dreams
Common dream scenarios include having your teeth crumbling or falling out one by one with just a light tap. One theory is that such dreams reflect your anxiety about your appearance and how others perceive you. Another reason may be rooted in your fear of being embarrassed or making a fool of yourself in some specific situation.
Flying Dreams
Flying dreams fall under a category of dreams where you become aware that you are dreaming, known as lucid dreaming. Many dreamers have described the ability to fly in their dreams as an exhilarating, joyful, and liberating experience. If you are flying with ease and enjoying the scene and landscape below, then it suggests that you are on top of a situation. Having difficulties staying in flight indicates a lack of power in controlling your own circumstances.
Taken from Dream Moods.
Since dream interpretation seems a totally bogus line of work anyway, you should know my source is probably unreliable. Still, it's fun.
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