Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Theory of Omens

My lab partner believes in signs. Not the alien kind, but good and bad luck events that determine if it's your 'Make or Break Day'. In his words, 'Make It or Break It Day'.

So, yesterday, I was hoping to squeeze 2 patients into one session. And while we were queueing for herbal soup in Science, suddenly the 'Black Herbal Chicken' sign was slapped onto the 'Available' board just right above my head, when it was my turn to order. Right there and then, I knew I was going to make it. Black Herbal Chicken's my favourite flavour, incase you couldn't tell. And yes, yesterday was a pretty good day.

This morning, a very mysterious incident occurred. I took the lift, which is unusual (since I live one floor above ground) and in the lift was this 50-60 year old man. He was very smiley and said good morning a few times and held the lift door for me to exit. So I walked out of the condo all the way to cross the road where I wait at the bus stop every morning. As I was in the middle divider of the road, I noticed this sedan driving at about 10km/h, super slow mo, everybody behind overtaking him. I remember thinking, 'Gosh who's this learner driver at such an early hour?'

To my surprise, the car rolled to a stop in front of me (still on the lane further away from the divider) and it was the old man! He asked, 'You heading to town?' and I was so stunned, I gave my auto polite stranger face and replied, 'No, it's okay' with a genial smile. And he looked pretty embarrassed as he rolled up his window quickly and drove away. My eyeballs were almost popping out honestly.

Next in my exciting life: I finally went jogging after months! Gosh, I felt so happy running, finally lifting my foot more than a few inches off the floor, finally feeling blood rush to my head. Then I got a left thumb cramp. Which sucked a little.

And now I'm feeling very pleased, because I opened the fridge and found Pokka Cloudy Apple flavour drink! I don't know what that is, but it tastes really thirst quenching. Loves.

Tonight, I also renew my vow to stay strong, be patient, endure, keep optimistic, more fervently banish bad thoughts of the future and past from my mind, and to just be the best person I can be. Sunshine and laughter. Rainbows and butterflies. Birds and the bees. Lady and the tramp. Walt Disney. I can go on forever.


Jared said...

woowee, someone's getting picked up by old men!

aFLY said...

Eeee, not something to brag about. I gave him the benefit of the doubt la, maybe he was just being nice?