Sunday, April 6, 2008



I am dying. I simply cannot look at the same book again for the ten thousandth time because after 2 pages, I get up and walk around. It was so different with 4 subjects, because you could switch to something else without feeling guilty, since you're still doing work. Now, I can only switch to another chapter, but I'm basically doing the same old thing, blindly scanning words. Save me!

Dance class is the only fun thing I have on the weekends. It's 1 1/2 hours every Sunday, with 1/2 hour of killer warm up. The first time anyone joins the class, you're bound to feel faint or want to throw up, guaranteed. I'm dead by the time it comes to the plank - not just my abs but my arms and legs because I've to literally grip the floor to prevent sliding to my doom (face smash) thanks to sweaty arms and slippery shoes. We're dancing to Flow Rida now, whose song Low attracted ALL my friends to join hip hop too. Don't tell the instructor. So now it's way more fun, with Quah Kari & Goloki coming along.

A few random thoughts keep cracking me up throughout the day.

One, Shang's story about her driving.
She was on the way to college and switched lanes on the road, thinking there was no car. Unfortunately she almost hit a motorcycle, who veered away in time. The guy shouted so loudly and was so mad that he kicked her car with his leg before driving off, waving madly.
The mental image is so funny!

Two, my mom's road rage.
Yesterday, our neighbour down the road had some huge festive thing and erected this tent that blocked the entire road. People who attended were so inconsiderate/stupid that they parked their cars along the dotted white lines on the road (dividing lines) instead of just walking a little further. So none of the residents' parked cars could move. Before my mom, another neighbour was so angry she blasted her car horn for like 2 minutes non stop.

When it was my mom's turn, her only option was to reverse her car all the way up the road. She was in such a foul mood that she refused to let this family walk by her car, through the tiny space between her car and another. She just kept moving and moving, and from my standing point, I watched agape as she almost rolled over a small boy's toes. Luckily the woman holding his hand, lifted him up. Tsk tsk tsk.

Three, Golo's post about her dream.
Actually more of the fact that she actually drew a scene of her dream using the computer. Hilarious.
She's being pretty cruel to him. But I don't blame her either.

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