Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Oh Well

I miss the memory, not the person.

I already own 2 dogs - Shadow (black Cocker Spaniel) and Macy (Golden Retriever). They're both turning 9 this year. But I still remember how adorable they were when they were puppies. Macy was a rolly polly much like the puppy in the picture. Shadow you could carry with one arm, and he slept on your feet while you washed the dishes. Then, they grew up into monsters.

They used to be so cute, fighting all the time with each other, two small balls. Then they were totally out of control, tugging on the leashes so hard my arms almost came out of their sockets. Once, Macy dragged me through a bougainvillea bush and I was so mad because I got scratched all over. Now they're a bunch of oldies. Just stare at us pitifully, walk with a slow gait. On the rare occasion they hear 'walk', they'll perk up and look youthful again. If I could, I'd scan my old puppy pictures in, but they'd be icky and blur. So never mind.

I progressively acquired an allergy to dog fur. I get a rash, stuffy runny nose, burning eyes and just generally itch wherever they touch me. It's dependent on maybe how sensitive I'm feeling. Sometimes, just touching my eye after brushing against the dog can give me a huge swollen eye.

Still, I couldn't help feeling excited when Dad mentioned wanting to buy a new puppy. He saw one at the petshop and fell in love with it (her), but unfortunately she was claimed already. All of us (especially me) got pretty excited, insisting we put ourselves 2nd on the list, and if the new owner continued not to show up, then we should take her!

I don't know why, but the thought of a cute bundle of fur suddenly brightened me up. I guess it's something about new joy, new possibilities that makes you just forget what a load of trouble puppies are haha.

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