Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thank you to everybody for your kind concern. I'm feeling better as I've gotten a new prepaid line (check my personal message for the new number, though it won't be activated for a couple of days) AND I'm back to my old phone, Tobias. We are fated to be together I suppose.

I wonder what it must have been like to be in my parents' time. Imagine not being able to replace anything you lost. Having to really scrimp and save to pay for something you wanted, or your education. To bear the burden of knowing that every last cent counted to something. I don't think I'd have survived, if I had to torture myself asking every second if I really need to spend my money on this or that. It really makes you question how much you want something, and how willing you actually are to sacrifice for something more important. So for the first time in a long time, I really noticed how my money is washing away just like that, rm50 after rm50. But cannot complain - later people say I kiamsap. =P

I am looking forward terribly to the photo shoot this weekend. I know all of us are dying to redeem ourselves in our pictures. It is really fun having a friend who can let you model for free. I like the fact that we get to have so much fun in fashion, getting to learn the ins and outs of the industry. Especially when most of us in the gang have incredibly serious future professions. (Way on the other end of the spectrum compared to fashion & design.)

My mom's been asked to work in Singapore for the next 3 months. She plans to come back on weekends. It's only been 2 days but the toll of the house chores is already getting to me.

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