Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Body Clock Is Real

There is a very very very strange incident happening. It's happened before, it's happening again. In fact, it happens pretty much every time I have a morning routine.

This is the time my alarm is set.

And this is the time my body clock wakes me up everyday.

Every morning, I get up and immediately think, Oh no, please, not again. I look at my clock and damn it, it's happened again!

The rare days when I wake up and it says a different (earlier) number, I actually exclaim, 'YES!' in a loud whisper in bed. And pump my fist. Because it means it's not time to get up yet. And boy do small things make me happy.

What I miss most is the sense of magic in the air. That anticipation of something exciting about to happen, the thrill of being close to the one person who occupies your every thought.

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