Sunday, May 23, 2010

Of Watermelons & Motorcycles

I have this (fake?) memory of crash dummy test ads on M'sian TV where they used watermelons to illustrate human heads bursting in motorcycle or car accidents. The watermelons were strapped into helmets and they'd crack and explode when the car/bike crashed. Or did I imagine all this.

This is apparently a very important crusade for a certain somebody. Mission in life: Ban motorcycles! I kind of agree, highest death rate, hazard to road users; motorcyclists only stand to lose on the road. Bicycles seldom pose a threat, most cars just avoid the left lane. But motorcycles on the other hand move in and out and actually endanger everybody.

Never been more tired in recent times, really. It's the hundredth time I've said it but I'm back to nodding off on trains, nodding off against walls and sneaking out of dance studios to collapse on the closest soft surface to sleep (after setting my alarm for the next rehearsal). I hope I don't forget about the partay after dance tomorrow.

This Tuesday, some of us old Western Dancers are going to be reunited, this time as separate dance groups performing as guest items in RP's Momentum. If I could draw a time line and life line like they did with the comics on Heroes, I'd be very fascinated at how lives criss-cross like weave patterns on a mat. Maybe I'm just too used to a life where people just vanish, and if you don't want to see someone anymore, you just stop looking them up. It seemed quite impossible to bump into people randomly back in Malaysia, like you had to make the effort to even keep someone in your life. Over here you just cannot escape people, everyone seems to know everyone else.

Speaking of which, there are some people I'd love to say hi to again. If they wanted to say hi back to me. ):

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