Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Random LOL

theale says:
oops *idlyic? shit how to spell already
[14:59] says:
theale says:
oh yes
[14:59] says:
confussingg rite
theale says:
lol yes
seldom use the word
[14:59] says:
missi mississipi
theale says:
omg that was hilariou
EVERYONE i told it to
laughed lke mad
even on line
unless they're fake laughers online
though i personally think that's very dishonest
u must type ur laughter just as u really laugh
[14:59] says:
it gets irritating yknow
my friend's girlfriend uses
all the time
are you shouting or laughing?
it makes me wonder if everything's really that hilarious
theale says:
yeah lots of ppl do that
i truly believe u can only do it if ur really really laughing
like for me 'HAHAHAHAHHAA' indicate i'm really laughing till my stomach hurts
like i'm falling off the table, clutching my tummy
[14:59] says:
actually LOL should be for those instances rite
but LOL has no impact
theale says:
lol is now like a chuckle
like literally 'lol' pronounced out loud
[14:59] says:
it's so complicated
i'll stick one-size-fits-all hah
theale says:
hah's like. HAH SERVES U RIGHT
[14:59] says:
once again
there's no pleasing everybody
hurhur's bad though
i don't like hurhur
it sounds patronizing
[14:59] says:
ultimate convo killer
theale says:
(oh i chuckled btw)
[14:59] says:
do that
always include an elaboration
theale says:
hurhur is sarcasm from me
[14:59] says:
haha (sniggered for 5sec)
theale says:
like hur hur not funny
hhahah (sniggered for 5 secs)
[14:59] says:
shite it's like keying in exact
theale says:
[14:59] says:
LOL (laughed loudly between 1154-1155)

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