Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

On Flickr by une**

It's Mother's Day today, and I want to give a shout out to all the mother figures in my life, none of which I could do without.

To Mom, you're my solid rock and my safe harbour. You are my number one supporter and the source of my encouragement. You are the only person whose ears I cannot exhaust with my pain and you share in my every joy and sorrow. You accept me for everything I am and there is no greater comfort than knowing that you are there for me whenever I fall. I cannot imagine surviving life without you.

To Mama, thank you for tirelessly caring for the family everyday. For being quirky and cute and always so proud of all your kids and grandkids. For loving us and being contented with the family you've created and moulded.

To Lian-ee, moral compass of the family, role model of the powerful woman. You give tough love but it is a love we all need, an example of a righteous life we can all aspire to lead and attain happiness. Plus YOU are YOU and nobody can replace your little eccentricities.

To Sa-ee, for being strong in your own way. The aunt who's closest generationally to us kids, bridging the gap between the kids and adults. For always showing interest in us, having fun with us and keeping the family ties alive. For your enthusiasm to do different things which brings a different aspect to family life.

I love you all so much!

Awww, Jene's post on the dog quotes is so cute!

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