Monday, May 17, 2010

Yay, Mom's here on business trip! Little piece of home has brought itself to me (:

Just rode in a cab driven by a lady driver for the first time. She seemed like someone highly educated who's down on her luck, just like another cabbie I met once, resorting to this way of earning an income. There was no denying she hasn't been doing this for long by the number of times she adjusted her hair and looked at her reflection in the rear view mirror. Something I do all the time at the traffic lights. And she got honked many a time, for daydreaming when the light turned green, and for straddling two lanes.

Yet you could tell she was just someone friendly and smiley who's probably sick of the lemons life has given to her. Which heartened me to see her face light up when I told her to keep the change. I was coincidentally reminded of tipping from yesterday's sermon by Mrs Wee (where I clearly picked up something applicable, although I was blatantly sleeping throughout most of it, oops).

I think... I have very annoying and imposing opinions. And when I want things to be perfect, I start forcing my ideals on people. I never do it on people who don't matter to me. So it's highly imbalanced. I accept everybody in the world as they are, except for the one or two people who I really actually can't do without. And that pushes them away.

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