Monday, May 17, 2010

FINALLY finished reading Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov.

As a book about a paedophile, it did creep me out a bit. But after the scintillating beginning was over, where he tried to seduce the girl, the rest was pretty tragic. It's probably meant to be morbid or ironic humour, hilarity at the unlikelihood of how his story turned out. But all I felt was his desperation, and the meaninglessness of his obsessions. Poor guy. Glad that book's over.

And I forgot I have half a chapter left of The Unbearable Lightness Of Being. That one is truly a masterpiece in philosophy. The other masterpiece in philosophy has to be Sophie's World.

After which I shall proceed to - Huh? That's all I bought the last time?


Jared said...

unbearable lightness is much much better than sophie's world. hahaha.

sophie's world is more like, a philosophy primer course that sophie goes through.

aFLY said...

Yeah Unbearable Lightness is so much more personal, out of the mind of a genius.

But Sophie's World's a good intro! I guess it amazed me as my first venture into philo. But yes, it's mostly just history & put together facts that other people thought about long ago.