Sunday, May 18, 2008

Everyone has some kind of obsession.

It's the thing that's always on the periphery of your mind.
The first thought when you wake up and the last thought before you sleep.
Whether you like it or not, it affects your actions and decisions each day.
It can drive you forward, hold you back or just make you deliriously happy, but it's always there.
It's the immediate thing your mind brings forth when you're free of being busy and focusing on other necessary things.
It can be as innocent as the obsession to get into a particular university, or as evil as an addiction.
Fantasies, baggage, your past, or your future.

Wonder what used to be on my mind once upon a time, during the times I had nothing to think about. Was it just empty space? Boredom? Peace and hope for the future?

Things were just so much easier when I was younger.

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