Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Road Pattern

There is a pretty interesting pattern that goes on on the roads, if you notice. Although you'd agree that all stretches of roads (specifically highways) are pretty much the same in structure and size, cars seem to drive much faster at some places and much slower at others. Taking into account that there isn't a jam, and practically the same amount of cars around.

There's this particular stretch on the highway, on my route to Uni, where cars avoid the right (fast) lane, while generally keeping to less than 80km/h. Now this freaks me out, because for the first time, I'm alone on the fast lane and no car is honking at me to speed up. It makes me wonder if it's the mass effect, one driver does something, others follow.

Then again, it can't be. Because right after the toll, it's like the demon unleashed. Engines roar and as cars speed through the tunnel, speedometers creep up to over 100km/h without notice. I believe it's the silence of the tunnel that makes you not realize how fast you're going. I know how fast I'm going because I keep checking my dashboard and keeping up with other drivers around me.

I find this all weird because there's no apparent reason for change in speed. Although, Dad did warn me that some areas are speed trap areas. The fear of summons makes me keep to the speed limit reluctantly. I've discovered that I don't call it driving until I'm fully concentrating, going at a fast enough speed to feel the Myvi tremble a little. If I'm at a relaxed speed where I couldn't possibly hit anything, it means I'm going slower than I like. Haha.

And weirder, my big toe and 2nd toe always get numb, probably from the flexed foot position when stepping on the accelerator.

When it's mutual, it's called love; otherwise it's just obsession.

It's very strange how emotions can just overwhelm you until you cannot think. It's such a fine line between different feelings. Like when you're blazing angry, if you just stop and blank your mind, you can stop that rage almost instantly. Suddenly you feel almost happy. I call those baseless feelings because one moment it feels like you could die from it, and before you know it, you just feel stupid. Maybe it's just me - a little nuts.


Jared said...

emotions and reason are very different things. even the mildest of emotions influence our rational ability.

it's like how i think i am very objective on certain issues. but 2 months later, i realise my view was slanted by my emotions.

i'm in awe of you though. i can't go from pissed off to lala happy so easily. hahaha.

aFLY said...

depends depends. sometimes it'll boil for a long time. but some stuff you realize that you're mad for nothing. then poof! gone. hehe